Cat's Mogular Diary

It's mogular. It's blogular. It's cat's mogular diary. The diary of a humble tabby cat. Regular musings from the cat perspective. Mostly involving Felix, Whiskas or IAMs (I should be so lucky)

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

No access

Sorry - no posts for the last few days. Debris and Bignose went away for the weekend. I had no access to the computer.

I knew something was apaw on Friday when Debris did not go to work. Bignose was still working though. During the day Debris took numerous bags and containers out of my favourite den under the stairs.

In the afternoon I got special sustenance. I don't normally get special sustenance on a Friday.

Then they loaded the car and were gone.

I was looked after of course. Lots of mogular sustenance and fresh water. I miss the company though, even if they are twopaws.

Friday, May 27, 2005


Some more of my earlier mogular life.

Having settled comfortably into Flat now, I decided to refresh my hunting skills. With free access to the outside world 24/7 via the newly fitted mogular access point, I had nothing to lose.

After some early reconnaissance missions I soon found a prime location behind the underground car park in some trees. Bats! Bats hanging from the low branches. Low branches I might just be able to reach with a good leap.

I returned to the spot many times during the days that followed to practise the pounce I needed to get my first prey since moving to Flat. Then, on a suitably dark night, late, with Debris and Bignose asleep in bed I went on my first mission. I crept to the site and, sure enough, there they were, hanging upside down from the branch, having just returned from their evening flight. I positioned myself silently and then pounce – I was in!


Bat in mouth I made great haste to get back to Flat with it still alive. I had to keep it fresh! When I arrived home though, I was suddenly touched by a pang of guilt. All of the mogular sustenance that Debris and Bignose had given me and I had never given them anything back. I resolved that the bat would be a present; my contribution to Flat. I placed it carefully in to Debris’ handbag and then went to wake them with a great yowl.

Debris woke with a start, not looking too pleased, but followed my beckoning to her bag. As she opened the bag, the bat, in her words, "rose up like Dracula from the crypt!" It was so exciting!

Bat Posted by Hello

Debris did not look pleased with my gift though. In fact she seemed quite angry. She quickly opened the front door and the bat flew out. It was gone after all my efforts. She closed the front door and locked the mogular access point. It stayed locked for the rest of the night. My first gift – spurned.

It seems that the word bat is now a joke in our home!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Major event!!!

Something big was in the air.

The tension built steadily as the afternoon gave way to evening. A take-away arrived at about 7pm and for while I hung around hoping for the odd mouthful of duck or a prawn. The tension was already high though. We mogs can sense it. So I tried to keep away.

I popped my head in occasionally. As the evening progressed the tension increased with a dry, icey silence; but also mingled with deep depression. Sometime later I was in the kitchen when there was an almighty shout of joy. Then more silence, more tension, but the depression had lifted somewhat.

My sorties into the heart of the event were less frequent now. There was not much to be gained for a mog – but you never know when you might get a tabby treat!

Later still, and all of a sudden, there was more roaring and shouting, but this time it was sustained. Also the tension suddenly released to apparent joy. Bignose burst through to the kitchen and into the fridge. A treat, for me I thought? No. He left with a green bottle. Next there was a loud pop and then more whooping and bellowing.

Soon things started to return to normal. I could hear the familiar sound of meaningless twopaw chatter. I popped my head around the door and was greeted with a feast of tabby treats. It was late. They were happy. I was happy; but what was it all about?

Major event!!!

Something big is in the air. I don't know what it is. Debris is not back yet. Bignose seems excited but tense.

I think I will keep a low profile until I understand what is going on.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Use the paws II

I am having problems with the new sofa. Frequently when I jump onto it, I slip. Occasionally, although I don’t like to admit it, I fall off.

I would normally use the claws to grip, but if I do Debris or Bignose tell me off. It seems that using the claws on the new sofa is "the path to the dark side!" Instead I should "use the paws".

So that is where this "use the paws" thing came from. They tell me "the paws is strong in me", but that is not even grammatical.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Use the paws!

Sorry there was no entry yesterday; no access to the computer.

They were both out all day. Debris left as usual in the morning. Soon after, out goes Bignose. He did not return until nearly 5 - Debris came back soon after.

Then just when I was ready to restart my daily campaign for my share in their dinner, off they went again for the whole evening.

They arrived back late, said a quick hello, told me to "use the paws" and then went to bed. Use the paws? I use them every day! They don’t have to tell me. What was all that about?

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Face Pack

Debris scared the wits out of me yesterday. She appeared at the door with green mud all over her face. I was so puzzled I slunk off to my mogular bed for a few hours to sleep on it.

You know curiosity and cats though. I had to know why she had mud on her face - green mud at that! So I abandoned my sleep, crept behind a chair and listened. Surely enough, a little while later, I overheard the explanation: It cleans the paws!

I thought this was a bit of a waste since twopaws, by definition, only have two paws; and they are no where near their face. So I ran over, leapt up and tried to wipe my paws on the green cleansing mud. They could do with a wash!

Now the strange thing is, despite the obvious logic in my actions, Debris lifted me off and made it perfectly clear that I was not to try it again! They have no common sense these twopaws.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Mogular Access Point

So back to my earlier mogular life.

I was kept in doors at flat for two weeks when I first arrived. Some nonsense about getting lost if I was let out before getting to know the place. During this time I was escorted out of flat daily on a mogular lead. As I understand it the purpose of this was to help me learn to navigate the corridor and stairs to flat before being allowed out on my own. These twopaws really do fuss don't they!

During this time Bignose installed a mogular access point in the front door. This is a clever little device with a transparent swinging flap that provides access to the outside world for the moggie.

So after two weeks I was free again. Free to wander in the mid day sunshine and the dark of the night. Free to establish a new territory. Free to go to the toilet without being seen! Of course I never got lost; always knew the way back. I know when I am on to a good thing.


Short entry today. I didn't get my full 20 hours sleep in so I am feeling a bit tired.

I am not very good at names, not twopaw names anyway. My current twopaw servants, of the past ten years, have strange names. The male is call Anne Drew, or Anne Dee; sound like girls' names to me! The female is called Debbo Rarr; now that is what I call a mogular name! Rarr is the noise I make when I am angry.

I struggle with twopaw names though so I know them as Bignose and Debris.

Of course, being a cat, I have lots of names. More on that soon.

Monday, May 16, 2005

The real Anglesey Tabby?

They brought me this picture too. It is from the garden at Anglesey Abbey.

This must have been the real Anglesey Tabby. Looks like a fine cat to me!

The real Anglesey Tabby? Posted by Hello

Anglesey Abbey

Alright so I got it wrong! I am not very good at names. They went to see Anglesey Abbey.

They brought this picture for me. Just a big house with a big garden as far as I can see. They seemed to like it though.

Anglesey Abbey Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Anglesey Tabby

I over heard the twopaws say they are going to see Anglesey Tabby. I want to go too. They won't take me :( Who is Anglesey Tabby? I have not heard the name on the mogular network.

They say they will bring me a picture. What good is a picture?

I want to meet Anglesey Tabby.


Thursday, May 12, 2005


Helping Bignose with his work today :)

A little help goes a long way :) Posted by Hello


So back to my earlier mogular life.

Woodgrange turned out to be very different to Wood Green. The twopaws called it flat. It didn't seem very flat though. Up two flights of stairs and along a big open corridor.

First day was fun - exploring every corner of every room of flat. The twopaws kept putting me in the mogular toilet. Don't know why. When I popped into the mogular toilet much later to go, you know, go; they seemed very pleased.

There was mogular sustenance in abundance! There were also special snacks the twopaws fed me from their hands. They called them tabby treats. I call them meeeoow!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I'm back!

I'm back. I had a great time. Special mogular sustenance every day.

I stayed in a little country village with Ron and Judy. They are known for their hospitality across the mogular world. Stories of their mogularity still circulate the mogular network from the days of the great ginger mogs; Sandy and Kimmie. Batty still echoes through the ether.

Things were going so well I was sick all over the living room floor one day. How we laughed together! That would not have been allowed at home.