Cat's Mogular Diary

It's mogular. It's blogular. It's cat's mogular diary. The diary of a humble tabby cat. Regular musings from the cat perspective. Mostly involving Felix, Whiskas or IAMs (I should be so lucky)

Monday, January 07, 2008

I'm back!

I'm back. I am not allowed in the office any more because Bignose decided to stop me blogging. That is why I have not been able to post. I have just sneaked upstrairs today while they are having tea.

The house was full of twopaws for Christmas. They all gave each other presents and I got nothing! Not a thing. They all ate far too much, drank far too much and then fell asleep. You would never see a cat do that.

I went to my holiday home for New Year. Bignose and Debris were busy getting drunk in the town of the snot people.


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