Cat's Mogular Diary

It's mogular. It's blogular. It's cat's mogular diary. The diary of a humble tabby cat. Regular musings from the cat perspective. Mostly involving Felix, Whiskas or IAMs (I should be so lucky)

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Scared :(

I have been spending lots of time in the mogular tube!

Mogular Tube Posted by Hello

There have been lots of thunder storms and I was scared :(

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Operation Tom & Jerry II

Some more of my earlier mogular life.

Everyone enjoyed the chase so much with my first mouse; I had to have another go.

Rarrr! Posted by Hello

I returned to my favourite mouse hunting spot down in the undergrowth in the garden. This time it was the dead of night. All went smoothly and in no time at all I was bound for flat, live mouse in jaws.

I sped through the mogular access point and ran in to the bedroom to find Debris and Bignose fast asleep. It always seems to work that way – the time when I am most awake (during the night) they are fast asleep. Lazy twopaws!

Silently, I leapt on to the end of the bed, put the mouse down, and just as silently leapt down again. This was my latest gift!

Surprised by its new found freedom, the mouse pawsed for a second before starting to explore the top of the duvet. It didn’t show any urgency to get off and for a moment I thought it was a dud; there would be no chase and no fun for Debris and Bignose.

Then Bignose started to stir. I was not sure if he was awake or just restless. For some reason the mouse crept in the direction of his face. Then suddenly he put the light on. His eyes widened in apparent surprise. The mouse froze like a rabbit caught in the headlights. There was a blissfully amusing moment as they both stared at each other, face to face. It seemed to go on for an age but in reality it must have only been a second or two. Then, all of a sudden, just as Bignose went to grab it by the tail, the mouse shot off. The chase was on!

Debris was soon awake and it was full Operation Tom & Jerry all around flat. Room to room, chair to chair – it was great! After a long and very rewarding chase, Bignose escorted the mouse out through the front door. Unfortunately he then locked the mogular access point so I was not able to go out and bring it back in. The chase was over.

From that day on, the mogular access point was kept locked over night. I don’t know why – we all enjoyed it so much!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Sorry there has been no post for a few days. I was too busy sleeping.

Sleeping Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 23, 2005


I am in very good humour today. I have just had my 1000th page download. Not bad for a tabby!

My 1000th visitor came from Salt Lake City.

I had hoped it would be my best friend Ruth, but I hope my visitor from Utah will become a friend too.

Hopefully when I tell Debris and Bignose, they will give me some special mogular sustenance as a reward!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Cat names

Cat names, unlike twopaw names, are simple. You just have to get used to the idea that there can be lots of them.

The name I write this diary under is my most mogular name, Mognusticat.

I think my first given name was, “Meeeooooweee Oooooouuuuch”. Loosely translated it means “Ouch that really hurt, there are an awful lot of them aren’t there!”

I was quickly whisked off to another place where I was given the twopaw name Tiffany. I hate it.

At Wood Green I was called HC 24621 or “The small tabby one”.

When I moved in with Debris and Bignose, Wood Green told them they must not change my name. I thought I was going to have to be known as Tiffany for the rest of my days. Fortunately not though; they hate the name Tiffany too. They just call me Cat. That really is a mogular name!

I answer to other names though including:
  • Mognusticat: my favorite.
  • Mogginess: not bad.
  • Nustima: another good one.
  • Nusty: short for Nustima.
Don't get me wrong - I think Tiffany is a perfectly nice name; it just sounds like a bit of a joke when given to a tabby!

Monday, June 20, 2005


I have been getting some strange ads on the mogular diary recently. Not sure what the connection is?

I thought it was all bad cat humour!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Operation Tom and Jerry

Some more of my earlier mogular life.

After the incident with the bat, I was careful about the hunting for a while. You know us mogs though, sooner or later we get the urge!

Down in the undergrowth in the garden outside flat, I found a whole community of mice. I restrained myself for a number of seconds but in the end, the paws was too strong. I had to have a go. So, in broad daylight, on a Saturday afternoon, there was I, poised like a coiled spring waiting to pounce. Then, in a flash, like tabby lightning, I made my move. The mouse didn’t stand a chance! I managed to hold it in my paws, no need to for claws or teeth; much better alive!

I made haste back up to flat, mouse in jaws. I knew Debris and Bignose would be proud. Ok so maybe a bat was not ideal – all that flying nonsense – but you can’t beat a good mouse, can you?

When I got back, there was no one in. I was distraught, for a moment. These things pass though. Soon I was playing with the mouse in the living room. I chased it for hours. We had great fun playing together. Then it hid behind the bookshelves; what a spoilsport! I sat there for ages waiting for it to come out.

A while later, the twopaws returned with bags full of mogular sustenance. Now, I admit, I am normally excited by this quantity of mogular sustenance, but not when there is a mouse to chase. I kept my guard on the shelves.

A short while later the twopaws noticed the attention I was giving to the shelves. In no time at all they had the books off the shelves and the bookcase pulled away from the wall. The mouse shot out straight under the sofa. Debris and Bignose encouraged me to the chase.

The chase went on for some time, the mouse would hide under an item of furniture, Bignose would move it and the mouse would shoot out again, with me right on its tail. We were like a train with a mouse engine hauling tabby all around the floor. I had not enjoyed myself so much in years! I could tell Bignose and Debris were really enjoying it too!

Then it happened, all of a sudden. Bignose moved another chair, the mouse shot out, and down came his right, slippered, paw. He trapped the mouse by the tail like a real expert. I was staggered. I thought twopaws couldn’t catch mice!

Then he picked it up, walked down to the garden and returned it to the mouse community. Now that was a bit much. After all my efforts to catch it, he took it straight back. Alive!

Still we had had lots of fun, and the twopaws also seemed to enjoy the next two hours putting all the furniture and books back. Funny they should enjoy it so much too!

Thursday, June 16, 2005


I moved things about on the page a little to make the navigation links easier to see. Hope you like it.


The twopaws went out last night. Gone for hours they were. Don't know where to.

They came back asking "are you a local cat?" Don't they know by now? I have been living with them for the last ten years.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

When is a mog a mug?

So the twopaws seem to think this kind of thing is funny!

Mogular Mug Posted by Hello

Making mugs out of us mogs if you ask me! Do you think it is funny?

Anyway I don't have fleas. I am on Program flea control. The vet has the scars to prove it!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


So, it was a beautiful day. I was hiding in the shrubs, tabby camouflage working to full effect, just waiting for a bird or a rodent to walk by.

Me hiding Posted by Hello

Next moment, it was raining; not just spitting but heavy. I looked up in amazement to find the sky azure blue with blazing sun! What on earth was going on? I ran, fast, to the other side of the garden and it stopped. Even more puzzling!

Then I saw it. Bignose, with the hose, was watering the garden. “Sorry” he shouted, “didn’t see you there!”

Monday, June 13, 2005


I have been Googled!

Now, if you go to Google, type in "Mogular Diary" and hit the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button, guess what you get?

Yes, me!

You will come straight back here!

Friday, June 10, 2005


I got a postcard from Rome. It came from the friends I spend my holidays with sometimes. It's a mogular postcard!

My postcard Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


What is a majesticoon? I guess it must be a breed of cat!

It can't be as good as a tabby though, can it?

Wrong! I just found out, it is a breeder of cats.

Bignose sick

Sorry there has been no posting for a couple of days. Bignose claims to have been sick. It is just some nonsense about food poisoning. It sounds like typical twopaw whinging to me!

They should try the odd raw mouse, bird or bat – that would firm up their systems a bit!

Saturday, June 04, 2005


Three thousand years ago, cats were deified in ancient Egypt.

To this day, we have not forgotten.

Cats on eBay

I am a little surprised to find eBay adverts for cats.

I can't help wondering how are they delivered? Do couriers really dare to ship moggies? Sounds like a recipe for scratched hands to me! How do you wrap them? Do they fit in the post box?

I am sure there must be a perfectly reasonable explanation!

Friday, June 03, 2005

Link to me :)

Me! Posted by Hello

If you are mad enough to like the ramblings of a random tabby, and you have a blog or web-site of your own, then please include a link to me at If you do, then make a comment, or drop me an email and I will be happy to make a link back.

Spewosity upthrow

I had a great day today.

I spent the morning and half the afternoon asleep, then I popped out to the garden to eat a few leaves - we mogs need our greens you know! Then I came back in, went up to see Bignose in the office, and threw up all over the carpet!

Now that is what I call a day well spent.

Spewosity upthrow; it sounds like Harry Potter's latest spell.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Mogular dictionary

This posting is a start at a mogular dictionary. It will grow as required.

apaw adv. & a. going on. As in the topaw version afoot.
f**a jab. n. Program Flea Control Vaccination.
Great Monster of Hoov. n. Vacuum cleaner.
mog abbr. moggie.
moggie n. like a cat but more mogular.
mogular adv. & a. of moggies, moggie-like.
mogular access point n. flap providing access to the outside world for the moggie.
mogular sustenance n. cat food. Whiskas, Felix, IAMS, Kit-E-Kat etc.
mogular tube n. bed that doubles as a hiding place when scary things happen.
paw n. what we all walk on
paws n. an energy field created by all cats. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the mogular galaxy together
special sustenance n. like mogular sustenance but of a higher quality.
tabby a. & n. cool, really really cool!
tabby treat a. & n. Tasty morsels to treat the cat (tabby) like Felix Rascals Rewards or Whiskas Crunch.
twopaw n. human being or any other animal that walks on just two paws