Cat's Mogular Diary

It's mogular. It's blogular. It's cat's mogular diary. The diary of a humble tabby cat. Regular musings from the cat perspective. Mostly involving Felix, Whiskas or IAMs (I should be so lucky)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Cat names

Cat names, unlike twopaw names, are simple. You just have to get used to the idea that there can be lots of them.

The name I write this diary under is my most mogular name, Mognusticat.

I think my first given name was, “Meeeooooweee Oooooouuuuch”. Loosely translated it means “Ouch that really hurt, there are an awful lot of them aren’t there!”

I was quickly whisked off to another place where I was given the twopaw name Tiffany. I hate it.

At Wood Green I was called HC 24621 or “The small tabby one”.

When I moved in with Debris and Bignose, Wood Green told them they must not change my name. I thought I was going to have to be known as Tiffany for the rest of my days. Fortunately not though; they hate the name Tiffany too. They just call me Cat. That really is a mogular name!

I answer to other names though including:
  • Mognusticat: my favorite.
  • Mogginess: not bad.
  • Nustima: another good one.
  • Nusty: short for Nustima.
Don't get me wrong - I think Tiffany is a perfectly nice name; it just sounds like a bit of a joke when given to a tabby!


  • At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I think Nusty is the sweetest ;)

    Don't you mind if I will post some of these names on my website ?

    Because I collect cat names and kitten names on my site.

    The URL is

    Odett France

  • At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Andy,
    Thanks for the e-mail. I will wait for the update.

    Odett France


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