Cat's Mogular Diary

It's mogular. It's blogular. It's cat's mogular diary. The diary of a humble tabby cat. Regular musings from the cat perspective. Mostly involving Felix, Whiskas or IAMs (I should be so lucky)

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I promised to post a picture of my friend Sam but I forgot. So here it is now.

As you can probably see, Sam is a bit too Dogular to be a real friend to me so we have a special arrangement; he does not come to my house, and I do not go to his. With this arrangement we get on great!

I think I can safely say that Sam is the friendliest big, black furry dog in the whole world. Posted by Picasa


  • At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sam wishes his friend Mognusticat
    a merry christmas, but says this is as close as he would like to get.
    He hopes to see big nose and Debris, but doesnot like calling them by the mogular names and prefers the dogular names, 'She with good reflexes for wine I knock over' and He who gathers dog paw prints upon trousers.

  • At 6:11 PM, Blogger Kukka-Maria said…

    I'm not a huge fan of dogs, but I do have a crush on a copper-nosed beagle named Mojo.

    Is that wrong?


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