Mousing master class

I have been teaching Debris the mogular art of mousing.
I brought the live mouse in a short while ago for the lessons. Bignose set a trap but I had other plans!
The mouse finally became bold enough to venture out yesterday and I was quickly able to chase it into the room where Debris was sitting reading. I then sat on top of the chair and watched.
At first she was really not very good. She would be searching under chairs and behind the TV when I knew it was behind the shelves. After a while I would give her a pointer by jumping down and flushing it out again and the chase would restart. Later she started to get better so I tried to fool her by staring intently under a chair, when I knew it was behind the TV. She fell for it every time!
We had hours of fun and she eventually managed to catch it in the humane trap. As a result Debris can now be awarded the title of Trainee Deputy Under Mouser. I know she will be really chuffed!
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